Atlanta Law Firm Blog

Is your spouse hiding assets?

When a married couple divorces in Georgia, wealth and assets acquired during the course of the marriage are to be divided between the spouses. Unfortunately, some people can't simply part with their fair share of the marital estate. They hide assets, underreport...

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Military Divorce: Questions to address

If you and/or your spouse are in the military, it can take a toll on your marriage and family life. Should you decide to divorce at any point, it’s critical to have a clear understanding of the process, including the challenges you’re likely to face. While similar in...

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Arranging child custody as a parent on active duty

Determining child custody during a divorce can be a challenging process. Every divorced couple needs a parenting plan that clearly defines how they’ll spend time with their child as well as how decisions will be made regarding their child. But what happens if you’re...

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